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SOCCASHAPE - Sports Science, Football and Hightech

At SOCCASHAPE, our belief is firmly established: every football player and team can significantly increase their success by using the most advanced and modern methods to improve performance.

Our challenge is to make these success methods accessible to amateur football. What drives us is the exciting combination of football and high tech. We share our athletes' hunger for success and celebrate with them the numerous small and large success experiences.

At SOCCASHAPE, we use the possibilities of digitalisation to professionally implement sports science methods in amateur football. We help ambitious football players and teams to successfully apply these promising methods to sustainably increase their performance.

With our innovative app, SOCCASHAPE, we have developed a comprehensive programme that covers all phases of the training process and systematically guides players to their natural performance limits in football.

Our motto is therefore: SOCCASHAPE - Engineering Success. With this, we enable every footballer to maximise their potential and be more successful, whether in training or in the game.

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Marcus Häusler

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